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Tambang emas di Papua yang kini dieksplorasi PT Freeport McMoRan awalnya ditemukan oleh tiga geolog asal Belanda. Mereka, Jean Jacques Dozy, AH Colijn, dan Franz Wissel, bekerja untuk Netherland New Guinea Petroleum Company, yang bermarkas di Babo, Papua Barat.

Pada 1936, ketiganya menemukan 'gunung emas' di Ertsberg saat melakukan perjalanan ke puncak Cartensz di Papua. Dozy lantas menuangkan temuan tersebut dalam sebuah laporan yang kemudian disimpan di salah satu perpustakaan di Belanda.

Musabab situasi politik, laporan tentang adanya gunung emas di Papua itu tetap tersimpan hingga 1959. Belanda kala itu sadar, jika laporan tersebut dibuka ke publik, hal itu akan berdampak pada situasi politik yang akan mengubah masa depan Papua. Tapi sebenarnya informasi soal penemuan gunung emas di Papua juga diketahui oleh Direktur of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Allen Dulles.

Allen Dulles adalah adik kandung Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat John Foster Dulles. Keluarga Dulles memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan pengusaha raksasa minyak Amerika Serikat, Rockefeller.

Dulles, yang juga berprofesi sebagai pengacara, kerap membantu perusahaan minyak Belanda dan Amerika yang memiliki masalah terkait investasi di wilayah Indonesia. Hal itu bahkan dia lakukan sejak beberapa tahun setelah Indonesia merdeka.

Dari situlah Dulles berkeinginan menguasai sumber daya alam di Papua, termasuk gunung emas di Erstberg. Operasi Dulles untuk menguasai tambang di Papua mulai dilakukan di masa Presiden Amerika Serikat dijabat John F Kennedy.

Presiden Kennedy, pada awal menjabat, melantik Allen Dulles sebagai Direktur CIA. Namun Dulles tak memberikan informasi soal gunung emas di Papua kepada Kennedy. "Allen Dulles tak memberikan informasi tentang emas kepada Presiden Kennedy," kata Indonesianis asal Australia, Greg Poulgrain.

Ia mengatakan hal itu saat bedah buku karyanya, "Bayang-bayang Intervensi, Perang Siasat John F Kennedy dan Allen Dulles atas Sukarno", di kantor pusat LIPI, Selasa (5/9/2017).

Menurut Poulgrain, Dulles dan Kennedy secara tidak langsung terkait dengan proses bergabungnya Papua Barat ke wilayah Indonesia.
Keduanya sama-sama ingin Belanda menyerahkan Papua Barat ke Indonesia, tapi mereka punya strategi yang berbeda. Kennedy ingin bersama Sukarno menjalankan program pengentasan kemiskinan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat setelah Papua Barat menjadi wilayah Indonesia. Namun Dulles tak sepakat.

Dulles ingin menghentikan rencana Kennedy dan merancang sejumlah strategi. Salah satunya menghalangi niat Kennedy memberikan bantuan untuk Indonesia. Pada 1963, Kennedy menerima undangan dari Bung Karno untuk datang ke Indonesia pada 1964. Salah satu agenda yang akan dibahas adalah program ekonomi untuk membantu rakyat Papua.

"Namun Kennedy tak pernah sampai di Papua karena dia tewas terbunuh," kata Greg. Kennedy tewas ditembak saat berkunjung ke Dallas dengan iringan mobil terbuka pada Jumat, 22 November 1963.

Pada saat bersamaan, Dulles juga terus merancang strategi untuk menyingkirkan Sukarno dari kursi presiden. Dulles, yang sudah meniti karier panjang di bidang intelijen, bahkan sejak Presiden John F Kennedy baru lahir, dengan piawai merancang strategi untuk membuat pemerintahan Sukarno tidak stabil.

CIA di bawah Dulles selalu membuat peristiwa-peristiwa politik yang membuat Sukarno tak bisa mengkonsolidasikan kekuasaannya dan mengurus ekonomi dengan baik. Dulles menggunakan berbagai upaya untuk menggulingkan Sukarno.

"Kenapa Sukarno harus disingkirkan? Jawabnya, jika Sukarno tetap berkuasa, amat sulit bagi Dulles untuk mendapatkan atau menguasai gunung emas di Papua, yang sudah menjadi milik Indonesia. Karena Sukarno seorang nasionalis yang tidak mau tunduk pada imperialisme baru Amerika Serikat," tulis Ikrar Nusa Bhakti dalam pengantar buku tersebut.

Dulles sadar, jika Sukarno menjadi Presiden Indonesia seumur hidup, rencananya menguasai tambang emas di Papua akan gagal. Dua tahun setelah Kennedy tewas, terjadi peristiwa G30S, yang menjadi titik awal tumbangnya kekuasaan Sukarno. Setelah Kennedy tewas dan kekuasaan Sukarno tumbang, jalan Dulles menguasai tambang emas di Papua pun lancar.

Sumber :www.detiknews.com

Demi Emas di Papua, CIA Gulingkan Sukarno dan Kennedy

How to Get Cheaper Car Insurance Without Reducing Your Coverage

When you enter your details online and ask for a quote, the car insurance rating system returns a price for your coverage determined by the answers you give to the questions asked. This is exactly the same process as if you walked into a high street brokers or telephoned a company you found in say yellow pages. The difference online is that you are doing the work filling in the form or researching the market for yourself, saving the insurance company the cost of employing people to process your application.

Online car insurance is therefore nearly always a cheaper method of purchasing coverage as nearly all online motor insurance companies offer an immediate discount to the basic insurance rates, of at least ten percent for purchasing this way. To get the cheapest cover then, it is necessary nowadays to spend some time online.

The art to obtaining cheaper car insurance is found in a combination of first identifying a set of policies or companies that suit your particular insurance cover needs and then adjusting the factors within the preferred policy to tailor the price of it to your pocket.

Different companies ask different questions to assess your risk, but all ask a basic set of questions called rating factors. Although rating factors vary from policy to policy, the standardised method of rating a vehicle according to its risk group (engine size and cost to repair) and a driver by his age and experience, apply almost universally. When looking for cheaper insurance always answer the questions asked truthfully, in order not to invalidate your cover.

Your answers to the standard rating factor and risk questions should always be the same, as things such as your age or the type of car, do not change.

Identifying a company which is right for you is of particular importance as it is not desirable to reduce coverages to save on price. Getting cheaper premiums is about negotiating a price for the level of cover you desire. For example, reducing your coverage from comprehensive to third party fire and theft may save you a lot of money up front, but will cost you dearly in most cases in the event of a claim, especially if you are at fault!

A good place to start, if you have the time, to get an indication of what you are likely to pay, is to visit a car insurance price comparison site. These websites compare rates and policies, often from hundreds of different insurance suppliers. Some online systems particularly these so called aggregator or price comparison sites are more often obliged to ask more questions, so getting a cheaper quote can be time consuming. This is because certain of the insurance companies on the panel require differing information about the driver or the car, in order to return the quote. This obviously takes a lot longer to complete the quotation and purchasing processes where sometimes hundreds of policies are involved, however the time spent is rewarded with a list of competing companies offering a variety of quotes, giving you a very good indication of what you are likely to have to pay. These may not be the cheapest quotes you will find online, but being presented with various offers and options is a starting point for identifying cheaper car insurance.

If you like a look of a particular policy that you have found on a price comparison website, you can often save money by visiting the company's own website and applying direct. In order to ensure you get the full benefits of cheaper cover it is often necessary to remove all cookies from your browser window, before visiting the car insurance provider direct.

It is also worth remembering that many of the cheaper car insurance companies do not have their motor insurance products for sale on the price comparison sites, and many make a point of this direct exclusivity, in their advertising campaigns. These so called direct car insurance companies are also able to offer large discounts for purchasing their insurance because they cut the costs of production of the policy by cutting out the costs of the middleman, in the form of a price comparison site fee or insurance broker commission. The commission savings these direct insurers make by conducting business this way can then be passed onto their customers as cheaper car insurance premiums.

Another area to explore if you have particular driving coverage needs or own a classic or expensive performance car, is the specialist car insurance market. This market is comprised of many specialist car or niche motor insurance schemes, often operated by much smaller companies who could specialise in, for example, a particular classic car make and model scheme, young inexperienced driver insurance, or drivers with convictions.

These specialist policies are often available at much cheaper prices than both the price comparison sites and the direct insurers because they have both the bulk buying power and mutuality of affinity groups, where these economies of scale can be passed on as cheaper car insurance premiums to the customer; and also benefit from the fact that where the risk is known and can be grouped, much more accurate and tailored risk pricing can be achieved. To identify a suitable specialist company simply search online for insurance for your vehicle type.

Once you have identified a few policies that are suitable for your personal driving requirements, there are certain adjustments that can be made within the quotation system that will reduce the premiums.

Many of the adjustments that online car insurance applications allow you to make, do not reduce your levels of cover but transfer some of the risk to yourself in the form of excesses. The excess is the amount that you personally have to bear the cost of in the event of a claim, before the insurance cover kicks in.

The higher the excess you are prepared to accept on a voluntary basis the cheaper the cost of the policy. This method of reducing premiums is fine if you are a careful driver and do not believe that you will ever have an at fault accident or claim. Higher excesses invariably mean small claims for bumps and scratches are avoided. A new type of car insurance called value insurance was recently introduced into the UK market by supermarket chain Tesco.

The concept of this insurance is an ultra high compulsory policy excess to deter all but the most serious claims; coupled with ultra low premiums, sometimes as much as a third of the competitors prices. Companies are able to offer this cheap coverage because claims are reduced and profits higher.

So in order to get cheap car insurance it is necessary to dedicate some time comparing policies, plans, schemes, covers and prices. Going direct or haggling on the phone can also sometimes produce spectacular price reductions, particularly as there are many promotional offers these days that are only available direct from the supplier. The more time you dedicate to exploring and researching various car insurance options the more likely it is that you will find much cheaper car insurance than you are currently paying!

How to Get Cheaper Car Insurance Without Reducing Your Coverage

1. Internet connection
If you plan to travel overseas and still want to have an internet connection without being caught roaming fees, find out if you can rent pocket wi-fi or buy a prepaid SIM card in the destination country.

2. Necessary Gadgets
It's better to use a pocket camera so your smartphone does not waste battery and can be used in an emergency. Use the camera on your smartphone only if you want to upload your vacation photos in social media. Google maps are very useful if we get lost while traveling, but try also to always bring a traditional map if you lose internet connection.

3. Blend in with the natives
You will certainly meet different people from different cultures. Be sure to take the time to interact with the locals and try not to look too flashy. Your holiday will be more impressive if you can have a special relationship with the locals, especially if you keep in touch after you get home. There's nothing wrong with adding friends!

4. Arrange the schedule
Preparing itinerary is mandatory in order not to waste time holiday, Opera Friends. Especially for those who do not use tour & travel services, schedule, location, mileage and cost must be clear. Make sure you make a list of trips before leaving!

A Fun and Unforgettable Traveling Guide

1. Do the Research Destination you want to visit

Well Research Destination is very important friends, beside you can start to know there "what's wrong?" "What are you doing there?" and "how long does it fit right there?" you will also be able to start determining the sights that match what you want to visit. Info to do Research now has a lot of source you can search from some social media or guide book tour.

And when you do research about the destination you want to visit, try to keep your time and energy alive, because some attractions may look not too far but in fact it will feel far and tolerable in because of a thing, like access, and also the natural conditions in location. So try for friends who want to Traveling not to be too pushy program if you travel alone without using local Agency.

2. Join the Tourism Community

Generally the members of the community will help you when you arrive at the location / city where they live and will gladly assist you to travel to the places you visit.

By joining in a particular community you will multiply friends outside the area and make it easier for you to go to an area with the help of your friends new friends. But you must also be careful again because the people you find in the Media is not valid yet so you can make sure from some sources to avoid the case that is not in want.

3. Travel Light

To be cheap and easy try to determine the destination where you will go all the way do not suddenly, because this is one of the most effective way for you who adjust the budget.

And avoid carrying most clothes and footwear, adjust to the season so no more need to buy. For practical purposes, bring in a single-use container and then discard it. Still minding bringing backpacks? When planning a day trip to a place, place items in the locker provided at some safe daycare. Bring only the important ones, such as wallets, cameras, documents, mobile phones in small bags.

Tips for Save the Road around Indonesia

The beauty of Indonesia is not only from the side of nature, but also culture, art, craft, culinary, to heritage relics.

1. Raja Ampat Island, Papua, Indonesia

Raja Ampat is one of the archipelago pride of Indonesia located in the eastern part of Indonesia precisely in the area of West Papua. Raja Ampat is very famous for its underwater beauty. Almost half of the world's fish species exist in the Raja Ampat sea. There are also many inns that offer the comfort and beauty of Raja Ampat natural scenery.

2. Bali Island, Indonesia
Bali is a popular tourist attraction in Indonesia. Everyone will know Indonesia from Bali. On the island of Bali there are many tourist attractions that you can visit. There are beautiful Kuta beach tours to enjoy the sunset. There is Ubud that provides natural attractions with rural atmosphere and there are also other tourist attractions that are not less beautiful like Bedugul, Tanah Lot and many more.

3. Bunaken National Marine Park

Indonesia is very famous for the beauty of underwater tourism one of them is bunaken marine park. Bunaken is located in North Sulawesi province. By doing snorkeling in the sea Bunaken, you will be pampered with the beauty of coral reefs and fish are very beautiful. Because of its underwater beauty, therefore bunaken enter into the top 10 most popular tourist attractions in Indonesia.

4. Komodo island

Komodo merupakan hewan yang masuk salah satu keajaiban dunia. Komodo hanya tinggal di pulau Komodo. Pulau komodo terletak di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Selain menikmati kehidupan binatang terlangka ini, anda juga bisa menikmati keindahan alam yang tak kalah menakjubkan.

4 Most Amazing and Best Tourist Places In Indonesia

Independent car insurance site Clearsurance recently ranked the best car insurance companies. The list is based on factors such as affordability, customer service, the scope of coverage and users’ likelihood to recommend their insurance to others or renew with the company.
Surprisingly, only two national insurance companies made the cut. The others were smaller and mid-size companies.
Clearsurance sifted through more than 39,000 customer reviews that policyholders submitted on the website. Here’s their list of the top 10 insurers:
1. New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Co. (NJM)
Overall score: 4.7 - Despite being one of the smallest companies to make the top 10—selling insurance exclusively in New Jersey and Pennsylvania—New Jersey Manufacturers received the highest rating of any company with more than 100 reviews from its policyholders. The consumers in those markets have praised NJM for fair prices and reliable handling for auto claims.

Overall score: 4.69 - USAA is a national company that is exclusive to military members and their families, so not everyone is eligible to buy its insurance. But, based on the reviews of consumers who have dealt with USAA, those who are eligible would be wise to consider USAA when shopping for car insurance. The company has more than 28,000 employees and is heralded for its outstanding customer service.
3. Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Overall score: 4.51 - Amica is the highest-rated company on our top 10 list that writes auto insurance in all 50 states and is not limited to eligible-only members. Founded in 1907 in Rhode Island, Amica is the oldest mutual insurer of automobiles in the United States. The company offers a wide range of coverages and discounts, including multi-policy discounts for consumers who combine homeowners insurance with an auto policy.
4. Shelter Mutual Insurance Company
Overall score: 4.49 - Shelter is a midsize insurance company that sells various lines of insurance in 18 states. Its minimum coverage includes roadside assistance and new car replacement. Plus, the Missouri-based company offers a bevy of discounts to its policyholders for a chance to lower their premiums.
5. Erie Insurance Group
Overall score: 4.48 - Erie is one of the smallest car insurance companies to crack the top 10 list, operating in 12 states. The Pennsylvania-based company offers its Erie Rate Lock feature, which holds rates steady, unless you update your policy by changing cars or addresses. Erie also offers a diminishing deductible for each consecutive year that you are claim free.
6. Auto-Owners Insurance Group
Overall score: 4.45 - While not a truly national company, Auto-Owners is sizable. It sells insurance in 26 states and boasts 2.7 million policyholders across its various lines of insurance. The Michigan-based company offers insurance solely through independent agents.
7. AAA
Overall score: 4.34 - Well-known for its roadside assistance and membership discounts, AAA also is highly regarded for its car insurance by its policyholders. Although AAA services over 57 million members all over the continent, its customer service is personalized via regional clubs.
8. The Hartford
Overall score: 4.33 - This national insurance company is known for its discounts offered to AARP members. But The Hartford offers additional discounts, such as its 12-month rate protection, which protects policyholders from having their rates fluctuate every six months. The Connecticut-based company has been in business for more than 200 years.
9. Geico
Overall score: 4.28 - Geico, famous for its talking gecko commercials, was the most reviewed car insurance company on Clearsurance in 2017. Many policyholders praise the company for its prices and discounts, as well as the functionality of its mobile app.
10. American Family Insurance
Overall score: 4.27 - American Family has come a long way since it started in 1921, when it was solely focused on offering car insurance to farmers. Nearly 100 years later, American Family now sells insurance in 19 states and boasts more than 8.3 million total policies.

The Best Auto Insurance Companies For 2018

Car insurance is one of these commitments, and so is the car loan! Have a read, and even if this doesn’t fall in your garden, pass it on to someone you know could use the stern talking-to!
Getting a ticket…and then some!
If you are ticketed for traffic or parking violations, while they can very well affect your insurance premiums(based on prior ticketing history), they will not show up on your credit report. But let’s say, for discussion’s sake, that you decide you’re not going to pay that ticket because of some reason. Like, that copper profiled you! Or he wasn’t even there, this isn’t fair! You still have to pay that ticket. A traffic or parking ticket is like a seed, and rolled over fines get sent to collection agencies, and suddenly you’re under that branches of steep fees and nasty blemishes on your credit report. It should also be noted that it doesn’t take a straw to break this camel’s back – regardless of the circumstances leading to non-payment, or the amount – collection accounts spell bad news for your credit score. Drive clean and pay your fines!
If you’re borrowing…make sure you can pay it all back!
As we’ve indicated in several posts prior to this, buying a car is a serious endeavor, the considerations of which extend beyond just the car purchase itself. One primary factor is your ability to meet the commitments of your car insurance policy. Thinking about driving without car insurance? Sure! Just let us know how the view from your cell is…Additionally the loan you take to purchase your car, can actually do damage to your credit score, if it is managed poorly. For parents who are co-signing car loans to help get their kids behind the wheel, you can look forward to this being recorded as YOUR deficit completely on your credit report. It is important to remember when budgeting that expected costs must be integrated into your money-allotment strategy. If you can afford the car but not the car insurance, no go. If you can afford the car insurance, but not the car payments, no go still. Even if you think you can wing it by neglecting any payments, keep in mind that repos stay on your credit report for 7 years. Make sure you can afford the responsibility of having a car. Borrow smart. Buy smart. Insure smart. Repay. Keep it simple!

Car Ownership Mistakes To Avoid